Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sex and funky town pt.1

       Now kiddos, let's talk about sex. Now, I'm pan or bi or whatever, in the end I don't really care for the sex, gender, or race of the person I'm dating.  Now sex is another thing, for normal people it wouldn't be a problem. Am I ready? Am I ready to be open with this person? In the end, its not very complicated for the norm. Yet some of us are sadly or proudly very complicated. I am one of the complicated ones, sadly enough. Not really by choice but that's a story for another time.
       Let's cut this short, sex has always been a complicated mental thing for me, even mindless sex. A monstrous shadow that reared it head for too long in my life, I very successfully hid in jokes and endless knowledge of sex. I knew about others like this but not personally, which would have been nice to have a comrade in arms. This has brought me aware of things many fight for awareness in the current population.
       Consent, and power. Yes and no, who holds the power and the balance in control in the relationship.
       Younglings, think about it. Equal in power in the relationship, sexual or not. If you are not ready, you're not and wait. If your partner is not okay with that, explain and it they don't understand. Dump the dick. Fuck when you're in high school, fuck when you're in college, fuck when you're a grown adult. Do this in caution to yourself and others around you, power and consent is something to be aware of.


                Thank the fucking lord the light finally came on, sadly enough my other roomie may be leaving us soon so there goes my only source of alcohol. But whatever, I've survived with water and I'm all good. And another thing, a day in and my mother is already asking me if I've banged anyone. I'm not saying no to going to bang town but I don't think I have anyone to want to go to bang town with.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Job search

           My current job is not that hard but the hours are horrible for a full time student. So, I went job hunting recently and went to a interview today. I'm sickeningly happy but hopeful of getting the job. The hours are stable and the pay is minimum but whatever, I'll be picking up some extra hours working at the school.
           This new development has made me very hopeful, yet at the same time weary of anything going wrong and exploding in my face.

           Change of subject. I've recently told my friend Efeh about this blog I've created, she in turn feels happy for me but expectant of what to read about herself. So here a little something about her.
           Her and I are high school friends, both art student who didn't have the motivation to pursue an art career. So in great coincidence, we both decided to attend SUNY Albany. She was very chill person but very anal about me cleaning dishes and keeping the bathroom clean. Efeh gets very annoyed at my jokes and puns that all revolve around sex and internet jokes. Her work stories are funny yet at times she sucks at telling stories. She's a feisty bitch who sometimes goes quiet and distant when she's angry. An angry Efeh is a scary Efeh, which I would suggest not pissing her off. Its kinda like mom angry kinda level, makes you kinda scary and guilty of whatever you did. She gets easily scared which is fucking awesome for me because it doesn't take much, and hates the dark. Which is even greater bonus for me.

I'm back after long ass work shifts

           I got to admit, living in Albany has its ups and downs. Public transportation is free for students and many businesses here have student discounts that help in saving money. Rent is so much cheaper here than in the city, which, is a big lifesaver. However, being the born and raised Queens kid, it was hard to adjust to the closed hours of operations of many businesses here as well as the buses.
           I can no longer go on midnight runs for Chinese or pizza unless it was from Papa Johns or Domino's, and I had to keep track of the first and last running buses for the weekday and weekend. If I didn't, then I would be stuck somewhere and waste sleeping time walking home.
           Yet at the same time, living up here has given me a taste of what small city living is, and this has given me a dilemma of whether or not to live up here instead of the city.
           All in all, fuck this hard thinking and just enjoy what is happening at hand.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Health of the typical college fellow

        Ok kiddos, learning time. Although grades are the very first priority in the college life, there is one thing that can destroy that, your mental health. Now, you don't have to go to every class, now saying don't go but have a day to rest. Sleep late, eat really healthy shit or ramen all day. Charge up and relax before going back to the hectic speed of college.
        You'll burn out and crash, trust me, shit went down when I ignored that shit. Things get hard? Go to the fucking counseling center, talk to a friend or a professor you're close with. Treat yourself, you're not a machine.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another thing to remember kids

       When wiring money, pay attention to the time it takes for the money to actually transfer. I didn't pay heed and now I have my landlord breathing done my neck for the rent. Sorry, you just have to wait a bit to see your money.
       Write that shit down in a calendar or your phone, remember to pay a few days in advance so the money gets to its destination on time or earlier. Remember, although things are electronic and shit can be sent with just a click. The whole world is not up to that point of express communications.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Working Life sucks

       I've recently been working for a nomad company, moving from retail store to retail store. Its a fun job and doesn't have to do much other than count shit. However, the one thing that bothers me is transportation and the hours of the company. Its either way early in the morning or super late at night, no in between. I thought that if I stated to my manger that I relied on public transportation and a full time student, they would send me close to home. But no, three towns over, two-three hours rides, a shit load of walking back home in the middle of the early morning.
      Now I have to make a decision, either continue and work only mornings and change my whole class schedule or work nights and not get enough sleep for morning classes.
      Fuck that I'm getting another job, as nice and cool as my co-workers are and the pay is awesome, my schooling and mental health is above that. Yay, for another job search!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Guys, please be responsible

        For the moment, I'm having a showdown with National Grid. For those who don't know or have someone to be the adult in the situation, its a electricity company here in New York. Now kids, remember to know fucking everything there is to starting an account for electricity. I for one should have know when things were too easy.
        Now I'm stuck in the university campus library sending them paper after paper that I am actually me and that I rent the actual place. Kids here things to know how to be a responsible adult.

- When requesting service, call the company to know how to verify the request.
- Have your social and a number of IDs in digital form at hand in case you have to email that shit for verification
- Always asks fucking questions "How fast is the electricity is gonna be turned on?" "Can I change the date of payment?" (In case this is easier to pay instead of bunching every fucking bill you have on one day)

        There you go kids and my fellow college homies. Know your shit and ask questions, if not now, there is always later. But now as later as it did with me. You'll end up with no lights and blood thirsty roommates.

For now you bitches get a rant about how awful I am as a human being.

       First of year of college in the bag and I got my first apartment. I was excited and full of hope for the future until I had to be a responsible adult. Pay the bills, get a job, don't lay in your bed like a piece of shit everyday. However I failed, yes the bills are getting paid and yes I got a job, but, I chose wrong.
      The job has the worst hours, and the bills are eating away at what little money I have from family and saving up. All this because I was a hurried up and greedy person. Who wants a nice rug and toys? Me! But who has the money? Not me...
      I wasted money on stupid shit and here I am, broke and fearing the incoming bills. Thanks Obama.

Should have started sooner....

Being a first generation student was as easy and as hard as many mention it is. I've always thought of the idea of creating a blog about it and then a full year as a university student went by. So here I am, making a blog a year late and not very motivated. But fuck it, lets see how far this goes.